2025-2026 9th Grade Enrollment | Matrículas de 9.º Grado
Enrollment begins January 27, 2025
Please call 631.591.4517 to schedule an appointment
Las matrículas comienzan el 27 de enero de 2025
Favor llamar al 631.591.4517 para agendar su cita
Call/email to schedule an appointment
Phone: (631) 591-4517
Email: nvargas@southamptonschools.org
8AM - 4PM
Call/email to schedule an appointment
Phone: (631) 591-4517
Email: nvargas@southamptonschools.org
8AM - 4PM
Llamar/enviar correo electrónico para programar una cita
Oficina: (631) 591-4517
Correo electrónico: nvargas@southamptonschools.org
Lunes a viernes
8AM - 4PM
8AM - 4PM
Office: (631) 591-4517
Please call to schedule an appointment
Lunes a viernes
8AM - 4PM
Oficina: (631) 591-4517
Favor de llamar para hacer una cita
Homeowners may provide:
Proof of ownership of a house or condominium, such as a deed or mortgage statement, or a tax bill to prove ownership and any two of the following:
Tenants may provide:
A statement by a third-party landlord, owner or tenant from whom the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation leases or with whom they share property within the district, which may be either sworn or unsworn; such other statement by a third party relating to the parent(s)’ or person(s) in parental relation’s physical presence in the district; A copy of residential lease, notarized residency affidavit, a notarized lease or a notarized letter from the property owner, and any two of the following:
Los dueños de viviendas pueden proporcionar:
Una hipoteca o declaración de cierre, una escritura o una factura de impuestos para comprobar que es dueño/a de la propiedad y dos de los siguientes:
Las personas que arriendan pueden proporcionar:
Una declaración notarizada de vivienda, un contrato de arrendamiento notarizado o una carta notariada del propietario de la vivienda y dos de las siguientes opciones: