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District Safety Plan

District Wide Safety Plan 2024-25

   Southampton Union Free School District


District Safety Plan

2024 – 2025



Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Fatima Morrell


Board of Education

SunHe Sherwood-Dudley 
Jacqueline Robinson, 
Cara Conklin-Wingfield,
Germain Smith,
Monique Proctor
Zach Epley
Ruth White-Dunn,
Amy Pierson, District Clerk



The Southampton Union Free School District is committed to the safety and security of students, faculty, staff, and visitors on its campus. In order to support that commitment, the School Board has asked for a thorough review of The Southampton Union Free School District emergency mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery procedures relevant to natural and human caused disasters. 


The District Safety Plan that follows is the official plan of The Southampton Union Free School District. It is a result of a comprehensive review and update of school policies in the context of its location in New York and in the current world situation. We support its recommendations and commit the school's resources to ongoing training, exercises, and maintenance required to keep it current. This plan is a blueprint that relies on the commitment and expertise of individuals within and outside of the school community. Furthermore, clear communication with emergency management officials and ongoing monitoring of emergency management practices and advisories is essential. 



This Emergency and Crisis Response Plan is hereby approved. This plan is effective immediately and supersedes all previous editions. 


Fatima Morrell, Superintendent of Schools


_____________________________ ____________

President, Board of Education


_____________________________ _____________


Table of Contents



GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS …………………………………………………...

  • Purpose
  • Identification of School Team
  • Concept and Operations
  • Plan Review and Public Comment
  • Mission and Goals



  • Facilities Initiatives
  • Training, Drills and Exercises 
  • Explanation of Terms 
  • Definitions 


CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS………………………………………………………

  • Objectives


OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE……………………………………………………….

  • Initial Response
  • Notification Procedures
  • Training and Exercises
  • Implementation of the Incident Command System (ICS)
  • Source and Use of Resources
  • Incident Command System (ICS) 
  • Incident Command System – Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Interface



  • Executive Group
  • Emergency Operations Planning Team
  • Emergency Response Team 
  • Emergency Remote Plan




  • Phase I – Mitigation/Prevention

Program Initiatives


  • Phase II – Preparedness


  • Phase III – Response


  • Phase IV – Recovery






  • Direction and Control


Emergency Facilities 

  • National Terrorism Advisory System - NTAS 

Administration and Support 

Agreements and Contracts

  • Plan Development and Maintenance

Plan Development and Distribution of Planning Documents



APPENDIX CONFIDENTIAL ………………………………………………………


ANNEX CONFIDENTIAL …………………………………………………………..



Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17 Project 14



Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner. Districts are required to develop a District-wide School Safety Plan designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of the district with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. 

The District-wide Plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. Districts are at risk of a wide variety of acts of violence, natural, and technological disasters. To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools against Violence in Education (SAVE) law. 

This component of Project SAVE is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses risk reduction/prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in the school district and its schools. 

The Southampton Union Free School District supports the SAVE Legislation, and intends to facilitate the planning process. The Superintendent of Schools encourages and advocates on-going district-wide cooperation and support of Project SAVE. 


A.  Purpose 

The Southampton Union Free School District-wide School Safety Plan was developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Southampton Union Free School District Board of Education, the Superintendent of Southampton Union Free School District appointed a District-wide School Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the District-wide School Safety Plan. 

B.  Identification of School Teams 

The Southampton Union Free School District has appointed a School Safety Team the members of the team and their positions or affiliations are as follows: 

Mrs. Fatima Morrell, Superintendent

Mr. Franklin Trent, Director of School Safety and Security

Mr. Marcus DaSilva, Director of Facilities

Vacant: Director of Pupil Services

Mr. Jean Mingot, Assistant Superintendent of Business

Mrs. Jaime Bottcher, Ed.D, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum 

Mr. Brian Zahn, Ed.D., Principal, High School

Mr. Patrick Bentsen, Principal, Intermediate School

Mrs. Nicole Fernandez, Ed.D Principal, Elementary School


C.  Concept of Operations 

The School Safety Plan is implemented as a matter of protocol. The activation of the Plan triggers the notification of the chain of command and the assessment of the activation of elements of the Plan.

The School Safety Plan was developed through analysis of the local environment, emergency potential, and available resources. Through training and workshops that included school employees, administration, and local emergency services, the plan has been developed to address the specific needs of the Southampton Union Free School District and the community.

In the event of an emergency or violent incident, the initial response to all emergencies at the school will be by the School Emergency Response Team. The Building Principal is responsible for notifying the Superintendent, or the highest-ranking person in the chain of command. This notification shall be accomplished through the use of telephone or the district’s radio network.

Upon the activation of the School Emergency Response Team, the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee shall be notified and, where appropriate, local emergency officials shall also be notified.

County and state resources supplement the building’s emergency action planning in a number of ways: 

    • State and local law enforcement provide building reviews and employee training. 
    • Local law enforcement and emergency services may participate in planning and training exercises and develop strategies for managing building-level emergencies.
    • A protocol exists for the school district to use certain facilities for sheltering during times of emergencies.
    • A protocol exists for the use of community mental health resources during post – incident response.


D.  Plan Review and Public Comment

This plan shall be adopted by the Board of Education pursuant to Commissioner’s regulations.

Full copies of the Building Safety Plan and any amendments shall made available to the New York State Education Department via the District’s portal or upon request.

This plan shall be reviewed periodically and maintained by the District–wide School Safety Team and the School Safety Team. The required annual review shall be completed on or before September 1 of each year after its adoption by the Board of Education.

E.  Mission and Goals

A. The mission of The Southampton Union Free School District in an emergency/disaster is to:


1. Protect lives and property

2. Respond to emergencies promptly and properly

3. Coordinate with local emergency operations plans and community resources

4. Aid in recovery from disasters


B. The goals of The Southampton Union Free School District are to: 


1. Provide emergency response plans, services, and supplies for all facilities and employees 

2. Ensure the safety and supervision of students, faculty, staff and visitors to the school. 

3. Restore normal services as quickly as possible

4. Coordinate the use of school personnel and facilities

5. Provide detailed and accurate documentation of emergencies to aid in the recovery process 



A. Facilities Initiatives 

The school has attempted to enhance the security of its facilities through a number of initiatives, including the following: 

  • The school has developed a visitor sign-in procedure and requires the use of visitor ID badges. 
  • The school uses an employee identification badge system. 
  • The school has developed a single point of access for visitors, with buzzer access systems to certain areas of the school building. 
  • The school has installed electronic security equipment.


B. Training, Drills, and Exercises 

The school has established policies and procedures for school safety training for employees and students. Training includes: 


  • The annual “early go home drill” to test evacuation and sheltering procedures. 
  • The school conducts emergency/evacuation drills throughout the course of the year in compliance with the SED schedule for the purpose of familiarizing employees and students with emergency procedures.
  • Building-level tabletop exercises.
  • The school conducts drills and other exercises to test and evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency response plan. The building principal will forward a list to the Superintendent of emergency drills and evacuation drills completed during the school year. Each principal will be required to complete a minimum number of student drills as follows: 12 Emergency Drills a year - 4 of which must be Lockdown Drills – 8 of the 12 Drills must be completed by December 31st.
  • The school conducts tabletop exercises with the building-level safety teams to test the components of the emergency response plan.
  • Topics for training may include general security and safety measures, intervention strategies with difficult or challenging students, building security awareness, and reporting requirements and procedure.
  • Annual safety training will include violence prevention and mental health as well as parent notification when students make threats of violence against themselves.  This training will be provided to new employees within 30 days of hire. 


Explanation of Terms


AED: Automated External Defibrillator 

CERT: Community Emergency Response Team 

CEO:        Chief Emergency Officer

CFR: Code of Federal Regulations

CPR: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation 

EOC: Emergency Operations Center

EOPT: Emergency Operations Planning Team

EPI: Emergency Public information 

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency 

Hazmat: Hazardous Material

IC: Incident Commander

ICP: Incident Command Post

ICS: Incident Command System

NGO: Non-Governmental Organization

NIMS: National Incident Management System

SC: School Commander 

SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures

UC: Unified Command 



Emergency Public Information (EPI):  This includes any information that is disseminated to the public via the news media before, during and/or after an emergency or disaster. 

Emergency Situation:  As used in this plan, this term is intended to describe a range of situations, from a specific isolated emergency to a major disaster. 

Emergency:  Defined as any incident human-caused or natural that requires responsive action to protect lives and property. An emergency is a situation that can be both limited in scope and potential effects or impact a large area with actual or potentially severe effects. Characteristics of an emergency include: 

  1. Involves a limited or large area, limited or large population, or important facilities. 
  2. Evacuation or in-place sheltering is typically limited to the immediate area of the emergency. 
  3. Warning and public instructions are provided in the immediate area, not communitywide. 
  4. One or more emergency response agencies or departments acting under an IC normally handle incidents. Requests for resource support are normally handled through agency and/or departmental channels.
  5. May require external assistance from other emergency response agencies or contractors.
  6. May require community-wide warning and public instructions. 
  7. The EOC may be activated to provide general guidance and direction, coordinate external support, and provide resource support for the incident. 

Disaster:    A disaster involves the occurrence or threat of significant casualties and/or widespread property damage that is beyond the capability of the local government to handle with its organic resources. Characteristics include: 

  1. Involves a large area, a sizable population, and/or important facilities. 
  2. May require implementation of large-scale evacuation or in-place sheltering and implementation of temporary shelter and mass care operations.
  3. Requires community-wide warning and public instructions. 
  4. Requires a response by all local response agencies operating under one or more ICs.
  5. Requires significant external assistance from other local response agencies, contractors, and extensive state or federal assistance. 
  6. The EOC will be activated to provide general guidance and direction, provide emergency information to the public, coordinate state and federal support, and coordinate resource support for emergency operations. 


Hazard Analysis:  A document published separately from this plan that identifies the local hazards that have caused or possess the potential to adversely affect public health and safety, public or private property, or the environment. 


Hazardous Material (Hazmat):  A substance in a quantity or form posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and/or property when manufactured, stored, or transported. The substance, by its nature, containment, and reactivity, has the capability for inflicting harm during an accidental occurrence. It can be toxic, corrosive, flammable, reactive, an irritant, or a strong sensitizer, and poses a threat to health and the environment when improperly managed. Hazmat include toxic substances, certain infectious agents, radiological materials, and other related materials such as oil, used oil, petroleum products, and industrial solid waste substances. 

Inter-Local Agreement:  These are arrangements between governments or organizations, either public or private, for reciprocal aid and assistance during emergency situations where the resources of a single jurisdiction or organization are insufficient or inappropriate for the tasks that must be performed to control the situation. This is commonly referred to as a mutual aid agreement

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):  SOP’s are approved methods for accomplishing a task or set of tasks. SOPs are typically prepared at the department or agency level. 

Assumptions:  Assumptions reveal the limitations of the Safety Plan by identifying what was assumed to be true during development. These allow users to foresee the need to deviate from the plan if certain assumptions prove not to be true during operations. 

  1. The Southampton Union Free School District will continue to be exposed to and subject to the impact of those hazards described in the Hazard Summary, as well as, lesser hazards and others that may develop in the future. 
  2. It is possible for a major disaster to occur at any time, and at any place. In many cases, dissemination of warning to the public and implementation of increased readiness measures may be possible. However, some emergency situations occur with little or no warning.
  3. A single site emergency, i.e.:  fire, gas main breakage, etc., could occur at any time without warning and the employees of the school affected cannot, and should not, wait for direction from your local response agencies. Action is required immediately to save lives and protect school property. 
  1. Following a major or catastrophic event, the school will have to rely on its own resources to be self-sustaining for up to 72 hours.
  2. There may be a number of injuries of varying degrees of seriousness to faculty, staff and/or students. However, rapid and appropriate response will reduce the number and severity of injury. 
  3. Outside assistance will be available in most emergency situations. Since it takes time to summon external assistance, it is essential for the School to be prepared to carry out the initial emergency response on an independent basis. 
  4. Proper mitigation actions, such as creating a positive school environment, and fire inspections, can prevent or reduce disaster-related losses. Detailed emergency planning, training of staff, students and other personnel, and conducting periodic emergency drills and exercises can improve the School’s readiness to deal with emergency situations. 
  5. A spirit of volunteerism among school employees, students and families will result in their providing assistance and support to emergency response efforts. 


The Southampton Union Free School District affirms that no guarantee is implied by this plan of a perfect response system. As personnel and resources may be overwhelmed, the School can only endeavor to make every reasonable effort to respond to the situation, with the resources and information available at the time. 



The objectives of school safety program are to protect the lives and well-being of students and staff through the prompt and timely response of trained school personnel should an emergency affect the school. 


  1. A.It is the responsibility of the School officials to protect students and staff from the effects of hazardous events. This involves having the primary role in identifying and mitigating hazards, preparing for and responding to, and managing the recovery from emergency situations that affect the district. 
  2. B.It is the responsibility of the school to provide emergency response education and training for school personnel. 
  3. C.It is the responsibility of the School Principal, or a designated person, to conduct drills and exercises to prepare school personnel as well as students for an emergency situation. 
  4. D.To achieve the necessary objectives, an emergency program has been organized that is both integrated (employs the resources of the district, school, local emergency responders, organized volunteer groups, and businesses) and comprehensive (addresses mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery). This plan is one element of the preparedness activities.
  1. E.        This plan is based on a multi-hazard approach to emergency planning. It addresses general functions that may need to be performed during any emergency situation and identifies immediate action functional protocols as well as guidelines for responding to specific types of incidents. 
  2.         The Incident Command System (ICS) will be used to manage all emergencies that occur within the district/school. We encourage the use of ICS to perform non-emergency tasks to promote familiarity with the system. All district and site personnel should be trained in ICS. 
  3. G.The National Incident Management System (NIMS) establishes a uniform set of processes, protocols, and procedures that all emergency responders, at every level of government will use to conduct response actions. This system ensures that those involved in emergency response operations understand what their roles are and have the tools they need to be effective.
  4. H.According to the US Department of Homeland Security, school districts are among local agencies that must comply with NIMS. Compliance can be achieved through coordination with other components of local government and adoption of ICS to manage emergencies in schools. School district participation in local government’s NIMS preparedness program is essential to ensure that emergency responder services are delivered to schools in a timely and effective manner. The Southampton UFSD recognizes that staff and students will be first responders during an emergency. Adopting NIMS will enable staff and students to respond more effectively to an emergency and enhance communication between first responders and emergency responders. The Southampton UFSD will work with its local government to become NIMS compliant. NIMS compliance for school districts includes the following: 
    • Institutionalize the use of the Incident Command System – staff tasked in the plan will receive ICS 100 training. ICS-100 is a web-based course available free from the Emergency Management Institute. All persons tasked in the Basic Plan or annexes will take the ICS-100 course. 
    • Complete NIMS awareness course IS-700 NIMS: An introduction. IS-700 is a web-based course available from the Emergency Management Institute. All persons tasked in the Basic Plan or annexes will take the IS-700 course. 
    • Participate in local government’s NIMS preparedness program. 
  1. Personnel tasked in this plan are expected to develop and keep current standard operating procedures that describe how emergency tasks will be performed. The school is charged with insuring the training and equipment necessary for an appropriate response are in place. 
  2. This plan is based upon the concept that the emergency functions that must be performed by the school generally parallel some of their normal day-to-day functions. To the extent possible, the same personnel and material resources used for day-to-day activities will be employed during emergency situations. Because personnel and equipment resources are limited, some routine functions that do not contribute directly to the emergency may be suspended for the duration of an emergency. The personnel, equipment, and supplies that would normally be required for those functions will be redirected to accomplish emergency tasks. 


Initial Response 

1. School personnel are usually first on the scene of an emergency situation within the school. They will normally take charge and remain in charge of the emergency until it is resolved and will transfer command and incident management to the appropriate emergency responder agency with legal authority to assume responsibility. They will seek guidance and direction from local officials and seek technical assistance from state and federal agencies and industry where appropriate. 

2. The Principal will be responsible for activating the school safety plan and the initial response, which may include: 

  1. Evacuation – When conditions are safer outside than inside a building. Requires all staff and students to leave the building immediately. 
  2. Reverse Evacuation – When conditions are safer inside a building than outside. Requires all staff and students to go to safe places in the building from outside the building. 
  3. Lock down – When a person or situation presents an immediate threat to students and staff in the building. All exterior doors and classroom doors are locked and students and staff stay in their offices, work areas and classrooms. 
  4. Shelter-in-place – When conditions are safer inside the building than outside. For severe weather sheltering, students and staff are held in the building safe areas and interior rooms or basement away from windows. For hazardous material release outdoors with toxic vapors, students and staff are to remain in their classrooms, windows and doors are sealed and all ventilation systems are shut off. Limited movement is allowed. Taking shelter inside a sealed building is highly effective in keeping students and staff safe. 
  5. Drop, cover and hold – Students and staff drop low, take cover under furniture, cover eyes, head with hands and arms and protect internal organs. 
  6. Lock out – When a person or situation presents an immediate threat to students and staff outside the building. All exterior doors are locked, exterior windows closed and locked and window shades drawn. Daily activities continue as normal inside the building


  1. Area of Rescue Assistance (Area of Refuge) – An area where persons unable to safely evacuate the building can remain temporarily to await instructions or assistance during an emergency evacuation. We designate, drill, train, label and identify signage throughout the building. 


Notification Procedures 

  1.         In case of an emergency in the school, the flow of information after calling 9-1-1 shall be from the school Principal to the district office. Information should include the nature of the incident and the impact on the facility, students and staff. 
  2.         In the event of a fire, any one discovering the fire shall activate the building fire alarm system. Unless there is a lock down / out incident or a shelter in place incident in progress, the building shall be evacuated. In the event that a lock down or shelter-in-place incident is in progress, the evacuation shall be limited to the area immediately in danger from the fire. 
  3.         In the event the School is in receipt of information, such as a weather warning that may affect a school within the district, the information shall be provided to the school District Superintendent. Specific guidelines are found in the individual annexes and appendices. 


Training and Exercise 


  1.         The Southampton UFSD understands the importance of training, drills and exercises in the overall emergency management program. To ensure that district personnel and community first responders are aware of their duties and responsibilities under the school plan and the most current procedures, the following training, drills and exercise actions will occur. 
  2.         Training and refresher training sessions shall be conducted for all school personnel. Records of the training provided including date(s), type of training and participant roster will be maintained.  General safety training will be completed by September 15 of each year and within 30 days for new hires.
  3.         Information addressed in these sessions will include updated information on plans and/or procedures and changes in the duties and responsibilities of plan participants. Discussions will also center on any revisions to additional materials such as annexes and appendices. Input from all employees is encouraged. 
  1.         The Southampton Union Free School District plans for Evacuations, Shelter-in place and Bus Evacuation drills. The types of drills and exercises will be coordinated by the District Emergency Management Coordinator. 
  2.         The Southampton UFSD will participate in any external drills or exercises sponsored by local emergency responders. Availability of school personnel and the nature of the drill or exercise shall govern the degree to which the district will participate as it relates to improving the school’s ability to respond and deal with emergencies. 

Implementation of the Incident Command System (ICS) 

  1. The designated incident commander (IC) for the school will implement the ICS team and serve as the IC until relieved by a more senior or more qualified individual. The IC will establish an incident command post (ICP) and provide an assessment of the situation to local officials, identify response resources required, and direct the on-scene response from the ICP. 
  2. For disaster situations, a specific incident site may not yet exist in the initial response phase and the local Emergency Operation Center may accomplish initial response actions, such as mobilizing personnel and equipment, issuing precautionary warning to the public. As the potential threat becomes clearer and a specific impact site or sites identified, an Incident Command Post may be established at the school, and direction and control of the response transitioned to the IC. This scenario would likely occur during a community wide disaster. 

Source and Use of Resources 

The Southampton Union Free School District will use its own resources to respond to emergency situations until emergency response personnel arrive. If additional resources are required, the following options exist: 

  1. Request assistance from volunteer groups active in disasters.
  2. Request assistance from industry or individuals who have resources needed to assist with the emergency situation. 

Incident Command System 

  1.       The Southampton UFSD intends to employ ICS in managing emergencies. ICS is both a strategy and a set of organizational arrangements for directing and controlling field operations. It is designed to effectively integrate resources from different agencies into a temporary emergency organization at an incident site that can expand and contract with the magnitude of the incident and resources on hand. 
  2.         The Incident Commander is responsible for carrying out the ICS function of command-managing the incident. The IC may be the superintendent or the building principal initially, but may transfer to the appropriate emergency responder agency official. In order to clarify the roles, the school official in charge will be known as the School Commander. The four other major management activities that form the basis of ICS are operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration. For small-scale incidents, the IC and one or two individuals may perform all of these functions. For larger emergencies, a number of individuals from different local emergency response agencies may be assigned to separate staff sections charged with those functions. 
  3.         In emergency situations, where other jurisdictions or the state or federal government are providing significant response resources or technical assistance, in most circumstances there will be a transition from the normal ICS structure to a Unified Command structure. Designated individuals from one or more response agencies along with the School Commander will work jointly to carry out the response. This arrangement helps to ensure that all participating agencies are involved in developing objectives and strategies to deal with the emergency. 

Incident Command System (ICS) – Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Interface

1. For community-wide disasters, the EOC will be activated. When the EOC is activated, it is essential to establish a division of responsibilities between the ICP and the EOC. A general division of responsibilities is outlined below. It is essential that a precise division of responsibilities be determined for specific emergency operations. 

2. The IC is generally responsible for field operations, including: 

  • Isolating the scene 
  • Directing and controlling the on-scene response to the emergency situation and managing the emergency resources committed there. 
  • Warning the district/school staff and students in the area of the incident and providing emergency instructions to them. 
  • Determining and implementing protective measures (evacuation or in-place sheltering) for the district/school staff and students in the immediate area of the incident and for emergency responders at the scene. 
  • Implementing traffic control arrangements in and around the incident scene. 
  • Requesting additional resources from the EOC. The EOC is generally responsible for: 


1.  Providing resource support for the incident command operations. 

2.  Issuing community-wide warning 

3.  Issuing instructions and providing information to the general public 

4.  Organizing and implementing large-scale evacuation. 


  • Organizing and implementing shelter and massive arrangements for evacuees. 
  • In some large-scale emergencies or disasters, emergency operations with different objectives may be conducted at geographically separated scenes. In such situations, more than one incident command operation may be established. If this situation occurs, it is particularly important that the allocation of resources to specific field operations be coordinated through the EOC.



Most schools have emergency functions in addition to their normal day-to-day duties. During emergency situations, the normal organizational arrangements are modified to facilitate emergency operations. School organization for emergencies include an executive group, emergency operations planning team, emergency response teams, emergency services, and support services.

Executive Group 

The Executive Group provides guidance and direction for school safety programs and for emergency response and recovery operations. The Executive Group includes the Superintendent, District Emergency Management Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent, Director of Instruction, the Plant/Facilities Administrator, School Principals and others designated in this plan or by the Superintendent of Schools. 

Emergency Operations Planning Team 

The Emergency Operations Planning Team develops emergency operations plan for the district or schools, coordinates with local emergency services to develop functional annexes as well as annexes for specific hazards, coordinates The Southampton Union Free School District planning activities and recruits members of the school’s emergency response teams. There will be an EOPT at the district level and planning team at each school. The Emergency Operations Planning Team at the school level includes District Emergency Management Coordinator, Principal, School Resource Officer, Counselor(s), and Nurses(s). The emergency operations planning team members are listed in Appendix.

Emergency Response Team 

Emergency Response Teams assist the Incident Commander in managing an emergency and providing care for school employees, students and visitors before local emergency services arrive or in the event of normal local emergency services being unavailable. The Emergency Response Teams are included in the appendix. 


For most emergency functions, successful operations require a coordinated effort from a number of personnel. To facilitate a coordinated effort, school staff, and other school personnel are assigned primary responsibility for planning and coordinating specific emergency functions. Generally, primary responsibility for an emergency function will be assigned to an individual from the school that possesses the most appropriate knowledge and skills. Other school personnel may be assigned support responsibilities for specific emergency functions. 

The individual having primary responsibility for an emergency function is normally responsible for coordinating preparation of and maintaining that portion of the emergency plan that addresses that function. Listed below are general responsibilities assigned to the, Teachers, Emergency Services, and Support Services. Additional specific responsibilities can be found in the functional annexes to this Basic Plan. 

This plan addresses emergency actions that are conducted during all four phases of emergency management. 

Phase I - Mitigation/Prevention 

Mitigation/Prevention addresses what can be done to reduce or eliminate risk to life and property. 

The Southampton Union Free School District will conduct mitigation/prevention activities as an integral part of the school safety program. Mitigation/prevention is intended to eliminate hazards and vulnerabilities, reduce the probability of hazards and vulnerabilities causing an emergency situation, or lessen the consequences of unavoidable hazards and vulnerabilities. Mitigation/prevention should be a pre-disaster activity, although mitigation/prevention may also occur in the aftermath of an emergency situation with the intent of avoiding repetition of the situation. Among the mitigation/prevention activities included in the emergency operations program are: 

  • Hazard Analysis
  • Identifying hazards 
  • Analyzing hazards
  • Mitigating/preventing hazards 
  • Monitoring hazards
  • Student Prevention Programs 

Program Initiatives 

The district has developed a number of programs and activities to aid in risk reduction. These initiatives span from Kindergarten through 12th grade. 

Grade Levels 

Character Education 

Social Skills Development 


Positive Decision Making 

K to 2 

  • Six Pillars of Character
  • Connecting Character to Conduct 
  • Bucket Filling Program
  • Social Skills/ Friendship Groups
  • Second Step
  • Big Buddy, Little Buddy
  • Piloted Programs: 

I Can Problem Solve 

Too Good For Drugs 

M & M Mentoring 

Red Ribbon Week 

3 to 5 

  • Six Pillars of Character
  • Daily Words of Wisdom
  • Connecting Character to Conduct 
  • Social Skills/ Friendship Groups
  • Second Step
  • Big Buddy, Little Buddy
  • Peer Leadership Club
  • Too Good For Drugs 
  • Peer Mediation 
  • Caring Connections 
  • Red Ribbon Week 

6 to 8 

  • Connecting Character to Conduct 
  • Connecting Character to Education
  • Rachel’s Challenge
  • Student of the Month 
  • Character Counts Awards 
  • Second Step
  • Mentoring Programs 
  • Natural Helpers 
  • Cyber Bullying & Internet Safety 
  • Police Smart Assemblies 
  • Red Ribbon Week 

9 to 12 

  • Connecting Character to Conduct 
  • Challenge Day 
  • Mentoring Programs 
  • Project Success 
  • Conflict Mediation 
  • SADD Club
  • Red Ribbon Week 


In addition:

The District Code of Conduct.

All employees received Child Abuse and Harassment training.

The district has a teacher referral program for student substance abuse.

The school has developed a Crisis Intervention/Response plan.

The district has a chapter of Students against Destructive Decision-Making. 

Presentations on suicide prevention.

In-district psychologists, social workers

Student Council

Athletic Code of Conduct

Drug and alcohol counseling 



Responsibilities of the Superintendent 

  • Initiate, administer, and evaluate safety programs to ensure the coordinated response of all schools within the system. 
  • Implement the policies and decisions of the governing body relating to emergency management. 


Emergency Operations Planning Team 

  • In conjunction with the district and local emergency services create and maintain the Emergency Operations Plan. 



  • Implement Character Education, Social Skills Development and Positive Decision Making Curricula with K-12 students.
  • Implement Health Education Curricula. 


Technology/Information Services (Technology Director and Building Technology Staff) 

  • Assist in establishment/maintenance of emergency communications network.
  • Establish and maintain, as needed, a stand-alone computer with student and staff data base for use at the emergency site.
  • As needed, report various sites involved in the communication system if there are problems in that system.


Phase II – Preparedness

Preparedness focuses on the process of planning for the worst-case scenario.

Preparedness activities will be conducted to develop the response capabilities needed in the event an emergency. Among the preparedness activities included in the emergency operations program are: 

      1. Providing emergency equipment and facilities. 
      2. Emergency planning, including maintaining this plan, its annexes, and appendices. 
      3. As practicable, involving emergency responders, emergency management personnel, other local officials, and volunteer groups who assist the school during emergencies in training opportunities. 
      4. Conducting periodic drills and exercises to test emergency plans and training. 
      5. Completing an After Action Review after drills, exercises and actual emergencies. 
      6. Revise this plan as necessary. 


Responsibilities of the School Board 

  • Establish objectives and priorities for the school safety program and provide general policy guidance on the conduct of that program.
  • Review school construction and renovation projects for safety.
  • Appoint a District Emergency Management Coordinator to assist in planning and review.


The Superintendent (District’s Chief Emergency Officer)

  • Obtain a resolution from the local school board giving needed authority and support to develop school emergency operations programs and plans. 
    • Authorize immediate purchase of outside services and materials needed for the management of emergency situations. 
    • Implement the policies and decisions of the governing body relating to emergency management.
    • Coordinating communication between school staff, law enforcement and first responders.
    • Ensuring that all district staff understand the district-wide safety plan.
    • Ensuring that building level plans are completed, reviewed annually and updated as needed.


The District Emergency Management Coordinator 

Establish a school safety plan review committee to approve and coordinate all emergency response plans. 

    • Serve as the staff advisor to the superintendent and principals on emergency management matters. 
  • Keep the superintendent and principals appraised of the preparedness status and emergency management needs. 
  • Coordinate local planning and preparedness activities and the maintenance of this plan. 
  • Prepare and maintain a resource inventory. 
  • Arrange appropriate training for district emergency management personnel and emergency responders. 
  • Coordinate periodic emergency exercises to test emergency plans and training. 
  • Perform day-to-day liaison with the state emergency management staff and other local emergency management personnel. 
  • Serve as the school’s Emergency Management Coordinator.
  • Organize the school's safety program and identify personnel, equipment, and facility needs. 
  • Encourage incorporation of emergency preparedness material into regular Curriculum. 
  • Provide copies of the school plan to the superintendent and other authorized parties.
  • Monitor-developing situations such as weather conditions or incidents in the community that may impact the school.
  • Create “Go Bags” for each school with appropriate maps, floor plans, faculty and student rosters, photos, bus routes, and other pertinent information to help manage the emergency


The School Principals 

  • Ensure that the plan is coordinated with the district's plans and policies. 
  • Assign selected staff members to the Emergency Operations Planning Team who will
    develop the school’s emergency operations plan. 
  • Ensure that school personnel and students participate in emergency planning, training, and exercise activities. 
  • Conduct drills and initiate needed plan revisions based on outcomes of drills. 
  • Assign school emergency responsibilities to staff as required. Such responsibilities include but are not limited to: 
  1. Provide instruction on any special communications equipment or night call systems used to notify first responders.
  2. Appoint monitors to assist in proper evacuation. 
  3. Ensure that all exits are operable at all times while the building is occupied. 
  4. Ensure a preplanned area of rescue assistance for students and other persons with disabilities within the building readily accessible to rescuers. 


Crisis Response Teams

  • Meet with the School Emergency Response Team (SERT)
  • Participate in the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program.
  • Create annexes for their specific emergency function.



  • Prepare classroom emergency Go Kits.
  • Participate in trainings, drills and exercises.
  • Establish a buddy system for students and teachers with disabilities.


Technology/Information Services (Technology Director and Building Technology Staff) 

  • Assist in establishment/maintenance of emergency communications network. 
  • Assist in obtaining needed student and staff information from the computer files. 
  • Establish and maintain computer communication with the central office and with other agencies capable of such communication.



  • Establish and maintain school division protocols for transportation-related emergencies. 
  • Establish and maintain plans for the emergency transport of district personnel and students
    • Train all drivers and transportation supervisory personnel in emergency protocols involving buses. 


Phase III – Response 

Response is taking action to effectively contain and resolve an emergency. 

The Southampton Union Free School District will endeavor to respond to emergency situations effectively and efficiently. The focus of most of this plan and its annexes is on planning for the response to emergencies. Response operations are intended to resolve an emergency situation quickly, while minimizing casualties and property damage. Response activities include warning, first aid, light fire suppression, law enforcement operations, evacuation, shelter and mass care, light search and rescue, as well as other associated functions. 

Responsibilities of the Superintendent 

  • Assign resources (personnel and materials) to various sites for specific needs. This may include the assignment of school personnel from other school or community sites such as community emergency shelters. 
  • Coordinate use of school building(s) as public shelter(s) for major emergencies occurring in the city or county. 
  • Coordinate emergency assistance and recovery with first responders.


The District Emergency Management Coordinator 

  • Gather information from all aspects of the emergency for use in making decisions about the management of the emergency. 
  • Monitor the emergency response during emergency situations and provide direction where appropriate. Stay in contact with the leaders of the emergency service agencies working with the emergency. 
  • Request assistance from local emergency services when necessary. 
  • Serve as the staff advisor to the superintendent and principals on emergency management matters. 
  • Keep the superintendent and principals appraised of the preparedness status and emergency management needs.


The School Principals 

  • Have overall decision-making authority in the event of an emergency at his/her school building until emergency services arrives. 
  • With assistance of the Public Information Officer, keep the public informed during emergency situations. 
  • Act as Incident Commander until relieved by a more qualified person or the appropriate emergency responder agency, and assist in a Unified Command.

Emergency Operations Planning Team 


Crisis Response Teams 

  • Assist the superintendent and principal during an emergency by providing support and care for school employees, students and visitors during an emergency before local emergency services arrive or in the event of normal local emergency services being unavailable. 
  • Provide the following functions when necessary and when performing their assigned function will not put them in harm’s way: 
  1. Facility evacuation
  2. First aid
  3. Search and rescue
  4. Limited fire suppression
  5. Damage assessment
  6. Student/Parent Reunification
  7. Student supervision
  8. Support and security 



  • Direct on grounds or to an off-site evacuation shelter and supervise students in-route to pre-designated safe areas within the school 
  • Visually check rooms and areas along the path of exit for persons who may not have received the evacuation notice. This process should not disrupt the free flow of students out of the building.
  • Maintain order while in student assembly area.
  • Verify the location and status of every student. Report to the incident commander or designee on the condition of any student that needs additional assistance.
  • Remain with assigned students throughout the duration on the emergency, unless otherwise assigned through a partner system or until every student has been released
    through the official "student/family reunification process."


Technology/Information Services (Technology Director and Building Technology Staff) 

  • Coordinate use of technology. 
  • Establish and maintain computer communication with the central office and with other agencies capable of such communication.


The School Incident Commander 

  • Assume command and manage emergency response resources and operations at the incident command post to resolve the emergency situation until relieved by a more qualified person or the appropriate emergency response agency official.
  • Assess the situation, establish objectives and develop an emergency action plan.
  • Determine and implement required protective actions for school response personnel and the public at an incident site. 
  • Appoint additional staff to assist as necessary. 
  • Work with the emergency services agencies in a Unified Command.


Phase IV – Recovery


Recovery deals with how to restore the learning and teaching environment after a crisis.
If a disaster occurs, the Southampton UFSD will assist our Community Partners as needed during the recovery phase that involves both short-term and long-term efforts. Short-term operations seek to restore vital services to the school and provide for the basic needs of the staff and students, including providing mental health services. Long-term recovery focuses on restoring the school to its normal state.

Responsibilities of the Superintendent 

  • Coordinate emergency assistance and recovery with first responders. 


The District Emergency Management Coordinator 

  • Serve as the staff advisor to the superintendent and principals on emergency management matters. 
  • Keep the superintendent and principals appraised of the preparedness status and emergency management needs.


Emergency Operations Planning Team

  • Conduct debriefings at the conclusion of each emergency to critique the effectiveness of the emergency operations plan.




If the school administrator or other emergency response team member is notified of an emergency during the summer, the response usually will be one of limited school involvement. In that case, the following steps should be taken: 

    1. Institute the phone tree to disseminate information to Emergency Response Team members and request a meeting of all available members. The phone tree is located in Appendix. 
    2. Identify close friends/staff most likely to be affected by the emergency. Keep the list and recheck it when school reconvenes. 
    3. Notify staff or families of students identified in #2 and recommend community resources for support. 
    4. Notify general faculty/staff by letter or telephone with appropriate information. Schedule appropriate meeting(s) for an update the week before students return to school. 
    5. Be alert for repercussions among students and staff. When school reconvenes, check core group of friends and other at-risk students and staff, and institute appropriate support mechanisms and referral procedures. 


1.  General 

The Principal is responsible for establishing objectives and policies for emergency operations and providing general guidance for emergency response and recovery operations. In most situations, the Principal will assume the role of Incident Commander. During disasters, he/she may carry out those responsibilities from the ICP. 

The District Emergency Management Coordinator will provide overall direction of the response activities of the school. During emergencies and disasters, he/she will normally carry out those responsibilities from the ICP. 

The Incident Commander assisted by a staff sufficient for the tasks to be performed, will manage the emergency response from the Incident Command Post until local emergency services arrive. 

During emergency operations, the school administration retains administrative and policy control over their employees and equipment. However, personnel and equipment to carry out mission assignments are directed by the Incident Commander. Each emergency services agency is responsible for having its own operating procedures to be followed during response operations, but interagency procedures, such as common communications protocol and Unified Command, may be adopted to facilitate a coordinated effort. 

If the school’s own resources are insufficient or inappropriate to deal with an emergency situation, assistance from local emergency services, organized volunteer groups, or the State should be requested.

2.  Emergency Facilities 

  1.         School Incident Command post should be established on scene away from risk of damage from the emergency. Pre-determined sites for command posts outside the school building will be identified in cooperation with local emergency responder agencies. Initially, ICP will most likely be located in the main office of the school, but alternate locations must be identified if the incident is occurring at that office. 
  2.         Except when an emergency situation threatens, but has not yet occurred, and those situations for which there is no specific hazard impact site (such as severe winter storm or area-wide utility outage), an Incident Command Post or command posts will be established within the vicinity of the incident site(s). As noted previously, the Incident Commander will be responsible for directing the emergency response and managing the resources at the incident scene. 


The new National Terrorism Advisory System replaces the Homeland Security Advisory System that has been in place since 2002. The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, will include information specific to the particular credible threat, and will not use a color-coded scale. When there is credible information about a threat, an NTAS Alert will be shared with the American public. It may include specific information, if available, about the nature of the threat, including the geographic region, mode of transportation, or critical infrastructure potentially affected by the threat, as well as steps that individuals and communities can take to protect themselves and help prevent, mitigate or respond to the threat. The advisory will clearly indicate whether the threat is Elevated, if there is no specific information about the timing or location, or Imminent, if the threat is impending or very soon. The School will use similar wording in the event of an emergency. 




Agreements and Contracts 

  1. Should school resources prove to be inadequate during an emergency; requests will be made for assistance from local emergency services, other agencies, and industry in accordance with existing mutual-aid agreements and contracts and those agreements and contracts concluded during the emergency. Such assistance may include equipment, supplies, or personnel. All agreements will be entered into by authorized officials and should be in writing whenever possible. Agreements and contracts should identify the school district officials authorized to request assistance pursuant to those documents. 


  1. The agreements and contracts pertinent to emergency management that this school is party to be summarized in Appendix 1. 


Plan Development and Distribution of Planning Documents 

  1. The District Wide Safety Team is responsible for the overall development and completion of the School Emergency and Crisis Response Plan, including annexes. The Southampton UFSD Board of Education is responsible for approving and promulgating this plan.
  2. B.Distribution of Planning Documents1. The Principal shall determine the distribution of this plan and its annexes. In general, copies of plans and annexes should be distributed to those tasked in this document.2. The Basic Plan should include a distribution list that indicates who receives copies of the basic plan and the various annexes to it. In general, individuals who receive annexes to the basic plan should also receive a copy of this plan, because the Basic Plan describes the emergency management organization and basic operational concepts. 
  3. C.Review


    1. The Basic Plan and its annexes shall be reviewed periodically by the District Wide Safety Team and others deemed appropriate by school administration.
    2. Update 
    1. This plan will be updated based upon deficiencies identified during actual emergency situations and exercises and when changes in threat hazards, resources and capabilities, or school structure occur. 
    2. The Basic Plan and its annexes must be revised or updated as necessary.  Responsibility for revising or updating the Basic Plan is assigned to the District Wide Safety Team.
    3. The District Office is responsible for distributing all revised or updated planning documents to everyone tasked in those documents.



Information contained in these sections are deemed highly confidential and the disclosure of such may pose a serious threat to the safety and security to the students and staff members.