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Required Notifications & Important information

Important Information and Required Notifications:

Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) 

New York State Education Law §3012-d requires each classroom teacher and school principal to receive an annual professional performance review (APPR) that results in a composite effectiveness score. Parents and guardians have the right to obtain APPR ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal. Please contact the Office of the Superintendent at  631-591-4510 for more information.

Asbestos Management Plan 

The Southampton School District, in accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (40 CFR Part 763), maintains a current record of all asbestos-containing materials located within the District’s buildings. The information is contained in the District’s Asbestos Management Plan and is updated in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency regulations. The Asbestos Management Plan is available for review upon request during regular business hours. Please contact Marcus DeSilva, Director of Facilities, at (631) 591-4772 for more information.


All students are required to be in attendance a minimum of 85% of all class sessions.  Exceeding the minimum number of absences can result in a loss of course credit and the need to retake the course over. Just being in the school building is not enough. Students must be in class during assigned periods to meet attendance criteria for the session. We ask all parents to reinforce this message with their children at home. The comprehensive attendance policy is distributed to students annually as part of their student handbook.

For more information about the attendance policy, please contact your child’s principal.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Reporting 

New York State requires schools to track each student’s body mass index (BMI) and weight status category as part of school health examinations. Each year, the New York State Department of Health will survey selected schools for this data. If the Southampton School District is asked to provide this data to the state, the District will share summary group data only and will not share individual names or information. Parents who wish to exclude their child’s data from the group calculations may contact their child’s school nurse.

Child Abuse Hotline 

If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated, report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. More information about reporting child abuse or maltreatment is available here.

Code of Conduct

Order and discipline are essential to maintaining a safe and effective learning environment. The Board of Education has adopted a Code of Conduct that applies to all students, school personnel, parents, and visitors when on school property, including school buses or other district vehicles, and at all school-sponsored events. A plain language summary of the Code of Conduct is posted in the PowerSchool parent portal each school year for families.  The complete Code of Conduct is available here. English or Spanish.

For more information about the Code of Conduct, please contact your child’s principal.

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) 

The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) prohibits discrimination and harassment based on a student’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, and gender (including gender identity or expression) by school employees or students on school grounds or at school functions. In addition, any act of discrimination or harassment outside of school which can reasonably be expected to substantially disrupt the education process, may be subject to disciplinary action.

If you have any questions about the Dignity for All Students Act, or if you have an incident of bullying or harassment to report, please fill out the form and contact the appropriate DASA Coordinator listed below:

District DASA Coordinator - Esther Adler O'Keefe. (631)591-4514
Elementary School - Danielle McCoy   (631)591-4804
Intermediate School - Dr. Nick Epley   (631)591-4705
High School - Ms. Irene  Navas & Dr. Melissa Mitchell   (631)591-4605

Emergency School Closings 

Occasionally, it is necessary to close school or delay the opening of school because of weather conditions or other emergency situations. In these instances, the closing or delay will be announced via the District’s automated telephone notification system. You may also check the District’s website and see News 12 Long Island. For more information, WLNG. 

2-Hour Delayed Opening
When a "two-hour delayed opening" is announced for Southampton Public Schools, students in grades K-12 will report to their bus stops exactly two hours later than they normally would.

Fire Inspection Report 

Pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, the Southampton School District conducts an annual fire inspection and reports the results of the inspection to the New York State Education Department. For more information, or to view the annual fire inspection report, please contact Director of Facilities DeSilva at 631-591-4771

Food Service Program 

The Southampton School District offers a comprehensive food service program, providing healthy breakfast and lunch options for students in each of our school buildings. Students whose family income falls within specified limits may be entitled to free or reduced-price meals. A letter explaining the free and reduced-price meal program and an application are located on the PowerSchool parent portal. For more information, visit the school food service program, or free and reduced-price meals, please contact Regan Kiembock, Director of Nutrition Services, at 631-591-4637. 

Homeless Students 

The Board of Education, in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act, has appointed a liaison to assist in identifying homeless students within the District, encouraging their enrollment, and eliminating barriers to their attendance and education. Homeless students have the right to attend the school they previously attended or to attend school in the district of their current location. They are entitled to transportation in accordance with the law. The liaison to homeless students and their families is Esther Adler O'Keefe. 631- 591-4514

Idling School Buses on School Grounds 

Education Law §3637 requires school districts to minimize the idling of school buses and other school vehicles on school grounds. Drivers are required to turn off the engine while waiting for passengers to load or offload. The law provides certain exemptions in cases of mechanical issues, emergency circumstances, or when necessary for heating.

Instructional Technology Plan 

The District's Instructional Technology Plan has been established in accordance with Commissioner's Regulations §100.12.

Megan’s Law / Sex Offender Notification 

In order to provide residents with information concerning convicted sex offenders who are living or working within the boundaries of the Southampton School District, the District is utilizing a no-cost sex offender alert notification program offered by Parents for Megan’s Law. This service allows subscribers to be informed of any sex offender notifications via email alert.

If you wish to subscribe to this free service and receive sex offender notifications, please contact the Parents for Megan’s Law Helpline at (631) 689-2672 or go to their website Parents for Megans Law and click on the “Sex Offender Email Alert Registration Program” link.

Non-Discrimination Notice 

Pursuant to federal laws including Title VI, Title IX, Section 504equal Access Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Boys Scott of America, as well as New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act, notice is hereby given that:

Southampton Public Schools is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all qualified persons, except in the case of a bona fide occupational qualification or as otherwise permitted or required by law, and does not discriminate in any educational or vocational program, activity, employment, or promotional opportunities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex disability, age, religion or any other basis prohibited by New York State and or federal nondiscrimination laws.

The District has designated specific administrators to coordinate activities and efforts to comply with the aforementioned non-discrimination laws and policies. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the following administrators:

For more information, please see Board of Education Policies 0100, 0110, and 0115 and the associated regulations.

District Title IX Coordinator
District DASA Coordinator
Esther Adler-O'Keefe

DASA Coordinator
Elementary School - Ms. Danielle McCoy 631-591-4804
Intermediate School - Dr. Nick Epley 631-591-4705
High School - Ms. Irene Navas 631- 591-4605

District Title IX Coordinator
Darren Phillips
631- 591-4615

Data Privacy Officer
Julieanne D. Purcell

Section 504 Compliance Officer
Dr. Jamie Bottcher

NYSED Parent Data Dashboard  

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has developed a Parent Dashboard to increase transparency and make information about school performance and other school-level data easier for parents and the public to access. The Parent Dashboard is part of New York’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan, which emphasizes equity in education for all students and expands measures of school accountability and student success. This new dashboard will provide parents with information about their child’s school. The Parent Dashboard is now available in addition to the New York State School Report Card on NYSED’s public data site. The Parent Dashboard offers information on all public schools.

Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security 

The Southampton School District is committed to ensuring student data privacy and security in accordance with local, state, and federal policies and regulations. Pursuant to U.S. Department of Education regulations, the District has adopted a Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security.

For more information, please contact Julieanne Purcell, Executive Director of Technology (631) 591-4796

Pesticide Notification 

The Southampton School District has developed an integrated pest management program for managing, preventing, and suppressing pests with minimal impact on human health, the environment, and non-target organisms. Pesticides are only used as a last resort. If pesticides are needed, the least toxic, pest-specific alternative is selected.

In accordance with New York State Education Law §409-h, this notice is intended to advise parents/guardians and staff members that:

  • Pesticide products may be used periodically throughout the school year.
  • The District is required to maintain a list of parents/guardians and staff members who wish to receive a 48-hour written notice of an actual pesticide application.
  • If a situation exists that necessitates an emergency pesticide application, a good-faith effort will be made to provide advance notification.
  • Certain pesticide applications are exempt from the notification process.

If you wish to receive the above 48-hour written notification of pesticide applications, please send a written request to Director of Marcus DaSilva at 631-591-4771

School Safety Plan 

The District-wide School Safety Plan has been established pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulations §155.17 to provide for the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors to our schools. The plan is a comprehensive effort that addresses risk reduction, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of potential emergency situations that may occur in the Southampton Beach School District. Please click here to view the District-wide School Safety Plan

Student Privacy and Access to Educational Records 

Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents and eligible students (18 years of age or older) have the right to inspect and review the student’s records and request an amendment of records believed to be incorrect. To exercise this right, the parent or eligible student shall make a request, in writing, to the building principal.

The District recognizes its responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of student records and will provide access to student educational records only to those authorized under the law. Personally identifiable information maintained within a student’s educational records will not be released without the consent of the parents of the eligible students, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes such disclosure without consent.

Directory Information
The Southampton School District may publish, provide, and release the following “Directory Information” without prior consent: student’s name, major course of study, participation in school activities or sports, height and weight (if a member of a school athletic team), degrees and awards received, most recent school attended, grade level, and photographs. If a parent or eligible student does not wish to have any of the above-referenced directory information released, a request must be submitted, in writing, to the building principal prior to September 15 of each school year. Failure to make such a request shall be deemed consent to release, provide, or publish directory information.

Disclosure to the MilitaryPursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the District must disclose to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning, the name, address, and telephone numbers of high school students. Parents and eligible students have the right to request that the District not release this information. Such requests must be made on the PowerSchool parent portal by September 15th of each school year.

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) affords parents and eligible students certain rights regarding surveys, the collection of information for marketing purposes, and invasive physical exams. The Board of Education is committed to ensuring student privacy in accordance with the law and has enacted policies to protect students’ rights.

For more information regarding student privacy and access to educational records, please see Board of Education Policies 5500 and 5550, which are available on this website.

Teacher Qualifications 

Pursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents/guardians have the right to know the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers. This includes whether the teacher has the state certification for the subject and grade level being taught; the teacher’s baccalaureate degree and any other degrees or certifications; and the qualifications of any paraprofessionals providing direct service to the student.

For more information, please contact  Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jamie Bottcher at 631-591-4507

Title I - Parental Involvement Policy 

The Board of Education believes that positive parental involvement is essential to student achievement. Consistent with the parental involvement goals of Title I, Part A of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the Southampton School District has developed policies and procedures to encourage and support the participation of parents of students eligible for Title I services. Please see Board of Education Policy 1900 for more information.

District and School Comprehensive Improvement Plan