The Board of Education recognizes that to govern effectively, it must clearly define why the district exists and what it aspires to be. The Board therefore adopts the following statements to convey the district’s purpose, and vision to set forth what the district should strive to become in the future. It is the expectation of the Board that the mission, vision and core beliefs will guide the development of annual goals for all staff members.
Southampton School District, in partnership with our diverse community, will educate students in a safe, supportive environment and equip them with the knowledge, values and skills to become responsible citizens in a dynamic global society.
Southampton School District is deeply rooted in a diverse community. Our students reflect the community’s hopes, dreams, and accomplishments. We all benefit from the support of our residents, and so the community that supports our district should benefit from the quality of our schools. A strong relationship connecting students, staff, families and community will inspire all to embrace learning as a way of life.
The Southampton School District will measure its success by the achievement of its students. In accordance with our mission, our students will make a positive contribution to the world and inspire future generations to follow in their footsteps.
- 1) Enhance our School Community Partnership. Students will use our community as a classroom; community members will provide resources, connections and support. The partnership will engage the community in student learning, as well as provide non-students and adults the opportunity to connect with our schools through mentoring of students and opportunities for continuing education.
Families will contribute effectively to their child’s education; our schools will provide families the tools and skills necessary to actively support learning.
The school district will communicate regularly and effectively with residents about issues that impact them, whether or not they have children attending school. The district will be responsive to concerns raised by residents.
2) Ensure a Safe, Supportive Environment. Safety is of utmost importance for all. We will ensure the physical safety and emotional well-being of all students. We will not tolerate bullying, intimidation, or harassment in any form in any school setting.
The ideals of mutual respect and kindness will guide us at all times. We will nurture the unique talents of each individual.
- All children and adults in our district should aspire to be positive role models for all others.
- We will foster among students and staff an understanding and appreciation of individual differences that make our district a welcoming environment for learning.
- We recognize that our teachers and staff are integral to student success. We intend to attract, develop, and retain the best staff. We will foster an atmosphere that supports the personal well-being and professional growth of the staff.
- We will provide a safe and accessible physical environment that is conducive to learning.
- 3) Instill Knowledge, Values, and Skills – A Comprehensive Education for Lifelong Success
The Southampton School District has high expectations for all its students regardless of ability. We are dedicated to forward thinking, reflection, and continuous improvement of academic programs. We will provide an environment where learning occurs in meaningful context, where students have choices, and where they are encouraged to follow their interests and reach their highest potential. Students and staff will use technology to strengthen and enhance learning. -
- 1) High Academic Achievement
- A. Students can meet or exceed state and federal standards in all areas.
- B. Students will achieve through differentiated teaching and learning modalities.
C. Students will seek extra help and/or opportunities for advanced learning.
D. Students will work collaboratively with other people toward common goals.
- 2) Personal and Social Values
- A. Students will understand basic principles of respect and caring for one’s self and others.
B. Students will value their personal health and wellness.
C. Students will apply basic principles of acceptance for diverse cultures and religions.
D. Students will know basic principles of honesty.
E. Students will work collaboratively with other people toward common goals.
- A. Students will understand basic principles of respect and caring for one’s self and others.
- 3) Apply and Extend Knowledge
- A. Students will use technology to apply and extend their knowledge.
B. Students will apply knowledge to vocational skills and interests.
- A. Students will use technology to apply and extend their knowledge.
- 4) Develop Responsible Citizens for a Dynamic Global Society. Southampton Students will interact with students and adults from various races, religions and cultures, as well as with individuals with different abilities, through classroom and community-based learning and social opportunities that broaden understanding and mutual goals. Southampton students will be expected to develop true proficiency in at least one second language so that they can effectively benefit from and participate in further education or work-related settings. Southampton students will acquire an understanding of issues that impact cross-cultural relationships, the global economy, and the sustainability of the overall environment. As a school community, we will be responsible stewards of our planet’s future. We will reduce waste, use resources efficiently, and respect our natural environment. At all times, qualities of good character will be demonstrated and information for making responsible choices will be readily offered. These choices will draw attention to their possible impact on other people, society at large, and the environment.
- The Southampton Board of Education will continuously use this Vision Statement as the guideline for policy and decision-making. The Board of Education and Administration will be responsible for promoting a district-wide understanding of this document.
- · People are our most valuable resource.
- B) We value diversity in culture and ethnicity, belief systems, knowledge and thought, age and experience.
C) Community collaboration and family commitment are fundamental to achieving and sustaining excellence.
D) Parents provide the foundation for learning and have a significant continuing role in their children’s education.
E) We recognize the importance of exercising mutual respect and appreciation among all members of our school and community.
F) We believe in the free exchange of ideas and opinions.
G) Support and recognition builds pride and promotes success.
- B) We value diversity in culture and ethnicity, belief systems, knowledge and thought, age and experience.
- · Every child has special gifts that should be cultivated.
- o Children are the center of our decision-making process.
o All students will achieve their full potential.
o All students can meet or exceed state and federal standards in all areas.
o A successful learner is a lifelong learner.
o Learning is possible only in an environment where students and staff feel safe.
o Students should have opportunities to make appropriate and responsible choices as vested partners in their education.
- o Children are the center of our decision-making process.
- · Inspired teaching inspires learning.
- o We must attract, develop and retain the best staff to accomplish our mission.
o We must imbue our students with the confidence and skills necessary to meet the challenges of the future.
o We must emphasize the importance of foundation knowledge and adaptable, applied-learning skills that must be continuously updated throughout life.
o We must provide opportunities for success, both in academics and personal interests/talents.
o We must fully integrate technology into the classroom.
o We must stress social and environmental consciousness as much as academic achievement.
o Our staff members will be held accountable for their efforts and performance.
- o We must attract, develop and retain the best staff to accomplish our mission.
- · Quality education is worth the investment and requires sound fiscal management.
- o Taxpayers deserve value for their financial support of our schools.
o People, time, and financial support are resources that lead to higher standards.
o We must demonstrate effectiveness, equity, and efficiency in everything we do and in our allocation of resources.
o Current resources must be used efficiently and our needs met before additional resources and programs are considered.
o Our decision-making must be based on collected data, yet take into consideration the impact on students and the overall functioning of the district.
- o Taxpayers deserve value for their financial support of our schools.
- The Board recognizes that while the mission, and vision are intended to be a long-range statement of the ideal future for the district, it still requires continual evaluations. Accordingly, the Board will review at the Reorganizational Meeting, the vision statement and the superintendent’s evaluation of the previous year’s goals so as to establish long and short range goals for the next school year. In September, the superintendent and all administrators will review the mission statement with new and existing staff and the Board’s priorities for the year that will serve as the guide for the individual goals of all staff.
Cross-ref: 0200, District Goals
0300 Accountability
5000 Student Policies Goals
- The Board recognizes that while the mission, and vision are intended to be a long-range statement of the ideal future for the district, it still requires continual evaluations. Accordingly, the Board will review at the Reorganizational Meeting, the vision statement and the superintendent’s evaluation of the previous year’s goals so as to establish long and short range goals for the next school year. In September, the superintendent and all administrators will review the mission statement with new and existing staff and the Board’s priorities for the year that will serve as the guide for the individual goals of all staff.