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What is ENL?

Instruction in this program, formerly known as English as a Second Language (ESL), emphasizes English language acquisition. In an ENL program, language arts and content-area instruction are taught in English using specific ENL instructional strategies. Some content area classes are Integrated ENL classes. Students receive core content area and English language development instruction, including the use of the home/primary language as support and appropriate ELL instructional supports to enrich comprehension. Integrated ENL classes are taught by a teacher dually certified in the content area and ENL or are co-taught by a certified content area teacher and a certified ENL teacher. In a Stand-alone ENL class, students receive English language development instruction taught by a NYS-certified teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in order to acquire the English language needed for success in core content areas. This program typically serves ELL students from many different home/primary language backgrounds whose only common language is English and therefore cannot participate in a bilingual program.

NYSED ENL Units of Study
The Units of Study tables provided are guidelines for mandated services for  ELLs as per Commissioner's Regulations Part 154-2 in both English as a New Language and Bilingual Education programs. As always, ENL instruction is an integral part of the Bilingual Education program.


►K-8 ENL Units of Study & Staffing Requirements

►9-12 ENL Units of Study & Staffing Requirements


Contact Us:

Ana R. Martínez-Fuentes, Ed.D.
Director of ENL, Dual Language, World Language, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity P-12
Southampton Union Free School District
300 Hampton Road
Southampton, NY 11968
(631) 591-4517

Norma Vargas
Bilingual Secretary of Registration/ENL Department
Southampton Union Free School District
300 Hampton Road
Southampton, NY 11968
(631) 591-4517
